What Every Diabetic Should Know About LASIK Surgery

Posted on Tuesday, December 11th, 2018 by Dr. Thomas Marvelli

If you have diabetes and are feeling hesitant about undergoing laser eye surgery, don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, a common question that we receive at the Marvel Eye Center is “can diabetics get LASIK eye surgery?” Dr. Thomas Marvelli is considered an authority in diabetic eye care and has provided LASIK for diabetics in the Fort Worth area countless times. To learn more about achieving excellent sight without compromising your eye health, schedule a consultation with Dr. Marvelli by calling 817-346-7333.

Diabetes is known to cause a number of vision problems; in fact, some of these problems can lead to total blindness if not properly treated. Thankfully, there are a number of optical treatment options available to people who have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, including, in some cases, LASIK surgery.

While the FDA has noted that diabetes, in many cases, disqualifies a person from receiving LASIK surgery, this is not always the case. In fact, a number of diabetics can benefit from this form of eye surgery without risk of complications.

In order for LASIK surgery to be successful, one will need to have stable blood sugar levels. All laser eye surgeons Fort Worth patients visit will ask for a letter from the patient’s general practitioner stating that his or her blood sugar levels are stable before performing eye surgery.

While the FDA has noted that diabetes, in many cases, disqualifies a person from receiving LASIK surgery, this is not always the case. In fact, a number of diabetics can benefit from this form of eye surgery without risk of complications. Following are the requirements one must meet in order to be good candidate for this procedure.

Controlled Blood Sugar Level

In order for LASIK surgery to be successful, one will need to have stable blood sugar levels. All laser eye surgeons Fort Worth patients visit will ask for a letter from a person’s general practitioner stating that his or her blood sugar levels are stable before performing eye surgery.

Getting a Consultation

The best way for a person to know if he or she is a good candidate for eye surgery is to make an appointment with a LASIK surgeon and get a personal consultation. A surgeon will take one’s medical history into account, ask for information from a person’s general practitioner and then decide which form of treatment is the best option.

Those who have been refused LASIK eye surgery by one surgeon should not give up hope. While one surgeon may consider a diabetic’s retinopathy to be too risky for LASIK, another equally qualified surgeon may be willing to do the procedure.

Willingness to Take Time off and Rest

Diabetes causes the body to heal slower than it would have otherwise. While the average individual can get back to work 48 hours after having a LASIK procedure done, a person with diabetes will need to rest for some time, come to the doctor’s office for aftercare and follow a doctor’s instructions explicitly to ensure the surgery is a long-term success.

A diabetic who wants to better his or her eyesight should seriously consider the benefits of LASIK surgery, as it is fast, relatively affordable and very effective. However, it is also important for one to ensure that he or she is in fact a good candidate for this form of surgery. Keeping blood sugar levels stable and obtaining treatment as soon as possible are keys to success that can help a person with diabetes get needed LASIK treatment to ensure good long-term vision. Contact the Marvel Eye Center today (817-346-7333) and schedule a consultation with Dr. Marvelli.

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