Learning About Type 1 Diabetes

Posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 by Dr. Thomas Marvelli

Last week, our blog highlighted ways that eye doctors can actually detect diabetes immediately with a routine eye exam. Here at Marvel Eye Center, after a flood of further questions we decided to expand on the topic a little more. While maintaining eye health is a priority for anyone and scheduling regular eye exams are a critical part of that process, for those individuals that discover they have diabetes, their immediate and long-term future may not be as clear. This week, we’d like to highlight the different types of diabetes with some information and some tips on how to deal with it. While diabetes can be a life-altering complication, with the right treatment and process, it can be managed and those diagnosed can still live a full, productive and healthy life.

While maintaining eye health is a priority for anyone and scheduling regular eye exams are a critical part of that process, for those individuals that discover they have diabetes, their immediate and long-term future may not be as clear. This week, we’d like to highlight the different types of diabetes with some information and some tips on how to deal with it. While diabetes can be a life-altering complication, with the right treatment and process, it can be managed and those diagnosed can still live a full, productive and healthy life.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is sometimes referred to as juvenile diabetes. It is caused when the pancreas fail to produce sufficient insulin for the body to turn sugar into energy. This type of diabetes generally starts in childhood, although teens and adults can also get it.

Type 1 Diabetes symptoms can either come on gradually or quickly. These include increased thirst, bedwetting, an increased desire to urinate, hunger, mood swings, fatigue and blurred vision. A child, teen or adult who has any of the above mentioned symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible.

While there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes, it can be easily managed and those who have this condition can lead a normal, healthy, productive life. To start with, one will need to take insulin on a daily basis. The injections are painless but must be given at the right time. Furthermore, one will need to eat a snack right before or right after getting an injection in order to keep blood sugar at a safe level.

Diabetics must also manage their diet carefully. They should eat healthy foods and will need to avoid foods that contain a lot of calories but do not have much nutritional value. A doctor will usually help a patient put together a dietary plan, taking into account a patient’s needs, schedule, likes and dislikes.

A person with Type 1 Diabetes will also need to exercise daily in order to stay in good health. Generally speaking, a diabetic can engage in almost any type of exercise.

Helping Children Manage Type 1Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes , unlike other types of diabetes, can occur in children of any age. It is commonly caused by genetic factors, which means that a parent with Type 1Diabetes can easily pass it on to his or her children.

Parents who have a diabetic child will need to not only manage the child’s diet and daily schedule with care but also teach the child how to care for his or her own health. Older children can learn how to check their blood sugar levels and inject insulin. They can also work with their parents to choose a diet plan that is both safe and enjoyable.

It is also important to let the child’s school know that the child suffers from Type 1 Diabetes. This way, teachers are aware of a child’s need to take insulin and avoid certain types of food. Relatives and parents of a child’s friends may also need to be aware of this condition, especially if the child is careless regarding his or her diet or injections.

Type 1 Diabetes is not a common condition but it can be dangerous if not properly diagnosed and managed. Those who have the symptoms outlined above will want to see a doctor, especially if one or more relatives also suffer from this condition. With an early diagnosis, a good diet, daily exercise and regular insulin injections, a diabetic can engage in the same activities that a healthy person would enjoy.

If you’d like more information on Type 1 Diabetes and how it can be diagnosed, maintained and treated, contact the Marvel Eye Clinic today!

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